Medicine cats are kind, gentle cats, who heal other cats in danger or in uncontrollable pain, they hunt for herbs and DO not steal herbs from other clans, they cannot have kits, and they can take breaks once in a while. Medicine cats cannot be a mentor and train apprentice(s) to be Warriors. A big rule is, if a kit is from another clan and it’s in danger, it’s harmed, and it’s badly hurt, they cannot mistreat it and refuse to help it. They NEED to save it, it’s the warrior code.
You must know all your herbs, and how they help/treat other cats if you want to be a medicine cat. That’s a very important thing, if you don’t know any of your herbs, or even just 1/2, you cannot be a medicine cat. If you don’t know you’re herbs, you cannot save/treat/or help cats, please read the books or google and do some research.
Medicine cats can have a few apprentices to train. This is so they can learn how to treat elders and become a medicine cat in the future. They usually leave them alone and let them do what they want, if they’re responsible and know a few herbs.
A medicine cat has to collect herbs from they’re territory ONLY, as it may be possible. If they go on somebody else’s territory, for a ex: they go on ShadowClans territory, they are breaking 2/3 warrior codes, which could get them exiled, or in really big trouble.
Medicine cats are warrior sized, and large warrior sized. If they’re apprentice sized, it isn’t possible. They cannot be a medicine cat ONLY if they’re morph/OC has growing problems, or is super small/tiny.