En esta página encontrarás todos los libros en inglés, y entre paréntesis el nombre del autor que escribió la novela.
Arcos principales[]
Dawn of the Clans[]
- The Sun Trail (Cherith Baldry)
- Thunder Rising (Cherith)
- The First Battle (Kate Cary)
- The Blazing Star (Cherith)
- A Forest Divided (Kate)
- Path of Stars (Kate)
The Prophecies Begin (Los cuatro clanes)[]
- Into the Wild (En territorio salvaje) (Kate)
- Fire and Ice (Fuego y hielo) (Kate)
- Forest of Secrets (El bosque de los secretos) (Cherith)
- Rising Storm (Antes de la tormenta) (Kate)
- A Dangerous Path (Huellas peligrosas) (Cherith)
- The Darkest Hour (La hora más oscura) (Cherith)
The New Prophecy (La nueva profecía)[]
- Midnight (Medianoche) (Cherith)
- Moonrise (Claro de luna) (Cherith)
- Dawn (Aurora) (Kate)
- Starlight (Luz estelar) (Cherith)
- Twilight (Crepúsculo) (Cherith)
- Sunset (Atardecer) (Cherith)
Power of Three (El poder de los tres)[]
- The Sight (La mirada secreta) (Kate)
- Dark River (Río oscuro) (Kate)
- Outcast (Exilio) (Cherith)
- Eclipse (Eclipse) (Kate)
- Long Shadows (Sombras alargadas) (Cherith)
- Sunrise (Amanecer) (Cherith)
Omen of the Stars (El augurio de las estrellas)[]
- The Fourth Apprentice (El cuarto aprendiz) (Cherith)
- Fading Echoes (Ecos lejanos) (Kate)
- Night Whispers (Voces en la Oscuridad) (Kate)
- Sign of the Moon (Señales de la luna) (Cherith)
- The Forgotten Warrior (Cherith)
- The Last Hope (Kate)
A Vision of Shadows[]
- The Apprentice's Quest (Cherith)
- Thunder and Shadow (Kate)
- Shattered Sky (Cherith)
- Darkest Night (Kate)
- River of Fire (Cherith)
- The Raging Storm (Kate)
The Broken Code[]
- Lost Stars (Cherith)
- The Silent Thaw (Kate)
- Veil of Shadows (Cherith)
- Darkness Within (Kate)
- The Place of No Stars (Cherith)
- A Light in the Mist (Kate)
A Starless Clan[]
- River (Cherith)
- Sky (Kate)
- Shadow (Cherith)
- Thunder (Kate)
- Wind (Cherith)
- Star (Kate)
Changing Skies[]
- The Elders' Quest (próximamente)
Super Ediciones[]
- Firestar's Quest (Cherith)
- Bluestar's Prophecy (Cherith)
- SkyClan's Destiny (Cherith)
- Crookedstar's Promise (Kate)
- Yellowfang's Secret (Cherith)
- Tallstar's Revenge (Kate)
- Bramblestar's Storm (Cherith)
- Moth Flight's Vision (Kate)
- Hawkwing's Journey (Cherith)
- Tigerheart's Shadow (Kate)
- Crowfeather's Trial (Cherith)
- Squirrelflight's Hope (Kate)
- Graystripe's Vow (Cherith)
- Leopardstar's Honor (Kate)
- Onestar's Confession (Cherith)
- Riverstar's Home (Kate)
- Ivypool's Heart (Cherith)
- Super Edición 18 (próximamente)
The Untold Stories (Vicky Holmes)[]
- Hollyleaf's Story
- Mistystar's Omen
- Cloudstar's Journey
Tales from the Clans (Vicky)[]
- Tigerclaw's Fury
- Leafpool's Wish
- Dovewing's Silence
Shadows of the Clans (Vicky)[]
- Mapleshade's Vengeance
- Goosefeather's Curse
- Ravenpaw's Farewell
Legends of the Clans[]
- Spottedleaf's Heart (Vicky)
- Pinestar's Choice (Vicky)
- Thunderstar's Echo (Clarissa Hutton)
Path of a Warrior (Clarissa)[]
- Redtail's Debt
- Tawnypelt's Clan
- Shadowstar's Life
A Warrior's Spirit[]
- Pebbleshine's Kits (Cherith)
- Tree's Roots (Clarissa)
- Mothwing's Secret (Clarissa)
A Warrior's Choice[]
- Blackfoot's Reckoning (Clarissa)
- Daisy's Kin (Cherith)
- Spotfur's Rebellion (Clarissa)
Guías (Vicky)[]
- Secrets of the Clans (Tui T. Sutherland)
- Cats of the Clans
- Code of the Clans
- Battles of the Clans
- Enter the Clans
- The Warriors Guide
- Warriors: The Ultimate Guide
- The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition
Mangas / Novelas gráficas (Dan Jolley)[]
- The Rise of Scourge
- A Shadow in RiverClan
- Winds of Change
- Exile from ShadowClan
- A Thief in ThunderClan
Graystripe's Adventure[]
- The Lost Warrior
- Warrior's Refuge
- Warrior's Return
Tigerstar and Sasha[]
- Into the Woods
- Escape from the Forest
- Return to the Clans
Ravenpaw's Path[]
- Shattered Peace
- A Clan in Need
- The Heart of a Warrior
SkyClan and the Stranger[]
- The Rescue
- Beyond the Code
- After the Flood
Los cuatro clanes: novelas gráficas[]
- Los cuatro clanes, Volumen 1
- Los cuatro clanes, Volumen 2 (próximamente)
- Los cuatro clanes, Volumen 3 (próximamente)
Historias cortas[]
- After Sunset: We Need To Talk (Vicky)
- After Sunset: The Right Choice? (Vicky)
- Beyond the Code: Brightspirit's Mercy (Cherith)
- The Elders' Concern (Vicky)
- Spottedleaf's Honest Answer (Vicky)
- The Clans Decide (Vicky)
- The Death of Bright Stream (Unknown)
- Why Is Jaypaw Blind? (Vicky)
- Tigerstar: Heart Or Evil? (Vicky)
- A Fear of Fire (Vicky)
- The Disappearing Herbs (Vicky)
- The Hidden Prophecy (Vicky)
- The Longest Night (Kate)